Ingmar Metzler

Mathematician, physicist, researcher




  • Theta lifts, special cycles and Rankin–Selberg convolutions (ETH Zurich) – 2024
  • The power of Unfolding (Number theory Seminar – Manigod) – 2024
  • Theta lifts on locally symmetric spaces and special cycles (Women in Automorphic forms) – 2023
  • Theta lifts and associated L-functions (seminar on arithmetic geometry) – 2023
  • Theta lifts and cycle integrals (Motives and arithmetic groups) – 2022
  • Introduction to matroid theory (CRC 326 – GAUS-AG) – 2021
  • Theta lifts and L-functions (CDE) – 2021
  • Introduction to condensed mathematics (DaFra) – 2020
  • Zagier duality and Borcheds products – 2020
  • Elementary number theory (for students) – 2019
  • An elementary geometric approach to modular forms (Series of talks for PhD students, TUDa) – 2018
  • Theorem of Mordell-Weil (Summer school – Italy) – 2017

Publications and preprints

  • Period integrals of Kudla–Millson lifts and L–functions of vector valued modular forms, PhD thesis, to be approved
  • Injectivity of the genus 1 Kudla-Millson lift on locally symmetric spaces (with Riccardo Zuffetti), arXiv
  • Effects of digital tasks on learning math for first-year engineering students (with Ömer Genc and Ulrich Reif), DOI

Conferences and Workshops
